Street art piece

Ballon I
Street Art Museum Amsterdam
Exit Enter
Artist Bio:
ExitEnter was born and lives in Tuscany, he has been drawing since he was a child and, following his passion, in 2009 he enrolled in the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, later he devoted himself completely to street art. In 2013 he created his central character, "the little man", and began to draw it on the walls of the city of Florence, thus starting to undertake various journeys by painting the walls of many cities in Europe: Lisbon, Brussels, Valencia, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Venice, Naples, Rome, Palermo, Bologna, Pisa. The characters are stylized little men with a narrative and they delicately perform various actions: they fly away attached to balloons, they try to reach a heart, they worship flowers, they tell small stories that evoke feelings to the ones passing by. He paints little, tiny men figures all over the world. Exit Enter uses simple graphics to go beyond iconography. He aims to create dynamics between his work and people who see them in the streets ,raising questions, emotions,thoughts; creating a movement that reflects the process of artistic creation. Exit Enter was born in the street, in a visceral and instinctive way the artist feels he has to leave his mark, he tries to make the city "his own".z In the last months of 2013, Exit Enter disseminated his stylized characters all over the city of Florence, which were noticed and appreciated by the street audience. Later, his figures spread all over Europe and even to Amsterdam.
"Sharing my character with the street gave me the opportunity to acquire a greater meaning in the world, I only realized this when I noticed that my characters managed to bring a smile to the faces of passers-by, art if it is not shared, has no meaning.”
His works have a strong traditional identity, related to great urban figures such as Banksy or Keith Haring. In the case of the latter, there are several references in the way of playing with the architectural and aesthetic possibilities offered by the surrounding environment. These characters are poetic and follow a narrative rhythm characterized by a romantic and nostalgic dimension. Exit Enter seems to be one of the last romantics, able to tell us a short story with very little available and a lot of creativity.
Ten Katenstraat
Spray Can
Gone / Illegible
Physical Description:
The work is extremely minimalist, as soon as the essential lines representing the human figure are depicted. The colour palette is equally limited, using only white for the filling of the figure, black for the outline and red for the balloon.
The work depicts a silhouetted figure of a human being holding a red balloon. The stylisation and cartoonisation of the human figure in minimalist terms is a recurring theme in Exit/Enter's production and is also found in the SAMA collection in the works 'Ballon II', 'Ballon III', 'Ballon IV'. Exit/Enter reworks the tradition of Banksy's paste-ups and minimalist stencils, creating small characters that dialogue in the space that surrounds them.