Hier vind ik mijn rust
de drukte van de stad ontwijk ik
dan neem ik een warm bad
Ik waak over de groene riem
van Cornelis van Eesteren,
laat er mijn kinderen in zijn sporen
Hier, voel ik mij thuis
zonder gevaar
al ben ik in het Sloterplaswater gevallen
als kind van zeven jaar
Hier, kan ik mijn toekomst
tot in de diepte uittekenen
zonder dat ik monsters
© Gökhan Aksoy
Memories by Bastardilla is a monumental mural that addresses the changing nature of the neighborhood, touching on topics of immigration, the influence of the past on the future and the hopes many of us have for our children, through the image of the figure looking through the hedge at a flame and the flocks of birds that represent different aspects of life in this neighborhood.
Nieuw-West is a diverse neighborhood (150,000 residents) comprised predominantly out of muslim population, with smaller percentages of other minority groups that add to the multiculturalism of the area, totalling 128 nationalities.
This artwork is a result of many conversations with all of the different communities living around the building on which the artwork is painted. Eigen Haard historical apartment block sits at the intersection of Dr. H. Colijnstraat and Nicholaas Ruychaverstraat. Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst is a metropolitan art fund that invests in arts that enriches the lives of those living in the city. Street Art Museum Amsterdam is a community-based, contemporary art museum whose collection of roughly 200 street art pieces are located throughout the neighborhood of Nieuw-West. Bastardilla is a Colombian born graffiti and street artist. Her work often addresses issues like economic disparity, environmental issues, and gender equality.