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About Us

Participatory Urban Art as an European process of Adult Inclusion and Community Development aims to improve the availability of learning opportunities for adults through the enhancement of street art as a social tool for cultural development of communities. 


The specific objective is to strengthen and share the inclusive process developed in Stornara as a good learning opportunity for adults, artists and associations, through the promotion of international cooperation.

About the Project

a best practice to share in Europe


Europe also focuses on Stornara and street art by approving the Erasmus + project "STRAMURALES - Participatory Urban Art as an European process of Adult Inclusion and Community Development" a project in which urban art and active citizenship become an example to follow able to foster inclusion and dialogue within the community through a participatory process that ends with the creation of four artistic works that will have Europe as main theme. In recent years, more and more projects in Europe have promoted the urban art as a tool for social inclusion, these are often interventions of great visual impact that aim to enhance streets and neighborhoods through the creation of unique works on their facades, buildings that otherwise would remain anonymous, helping to increase a sense of ownership to the community and improving the quality of life itself.


The STORNARA LIFE association has been organizing the STRAMURALES artistic exhibition for several years, thus managing to position the city of Stornara as the Apulian capital of Street Art. Thanks to its 83 splendid street art works created by well-known artists with the involvement of the entire community, this small town becomes in fact a real open-air museum of contemporary art. By August 2022, the aim is to have 100 completed artistic works. One of the purposes of the STORNARA LIFE association is to include Stornara in the now famous Italian circuits of villages with murals, so that it becomes a tourist destination for art lovers throughout the year. Close to the Gargano and to many Apulian tourist destinations, including religious ones, Stornara could become an immediate stop inland as the Apulian capital of Street Art, being a few tens of kilometers away from the most beautiful coasts of Italy, and also close to Monte Sant'Angelo and San Giovanni Rotondo.


This collective cultural process to be shared as a European educational opportunity and as a tourist attraction for the promotion of the territory is the basis of the approved european Erasmus+project "STRAMURALES - Participatory Urban Art as an European process of Adult Inclusion and Community Development" which will see the participation of important europeans partners such as SAMA - Street Art Museum Amsterdam, DESINCOOP – Guimaraes, Portugal and ACD La Hoya – Elche, Spain with the aim of including Stornara in an increasingly international dimension, providing greater expertise on the management of artistic inclusion paths of the Community, public administration and strengthening of European cooperation. In order to enhance the promotion of local heritage through street art, in addition to the four artistic works with a European theme, a publication will be produced containing the best practices and learning opportunities mapped by the European partners. 


The European project "STRAMURALES - Participatory Urban Art as an European process of Adult Inclusion and Community Development" represents a territorial strategy aimed at sharing good practices to trigger community processes.

EC Project Number: 2021-2-IT02-KA210-ADU-000050460

The Partners


Italy - STORNARA LIFE association is the leader of the project and has been organizing the STRAMURALES artistic exhibition for several years, helping to transform Stornara into the Apulian capital of Street Art, a true and its Museum of contemporary art in the open thanks to the splendid works of street art created by well-known artists with the involvement of the entire community.


Spain –ACD La Hoya is Spanish Cultural and Sport association is based on the principles of cooperation, integration, environment protection, solidarity, humanity, and universal human values and promotes an environment in which the community will be able to create, think, realize their ideas and build positions and reactions on important issues.


Portugal - DESINCOOP is a services provider cooperative, established in 2005 in the areas of economic, social, educational, and cultural initiatives through innovative solutions that meet the needs of its territory, its Co-operators and collaborators and its final beneficiary’s people at risk of social exclusion because of their ethnic origin, age, gender and/or disability.


Netherlands – SAMA Street Art Museum Amsterdam (SAMA), established in 2012, is a community-based, contemporary eco-museum that uses street art as a tool for dialogue and socio-cultural development for the communities.


Euvillages – Technical Partner Euvillages srls is a European consultancy company with technical skills in the management and implementation of highly complex European and multilateral projects; offers technical assistance, consultancy and training to public and private entities operating on the global market with the prospect of becoming more competitive through the definition of strategies, opportunities, products, services and projects.


Activities & Results

Activities 18 months / 1st April 2022 - 30th September 2023


  • WP1 : Kick off and Study Visit in Italy  3rd – 6th  August 2022

  • WP2 : Study Visit in Netherland  3rd – 6th  November 2022

  • WP3 : Study Visit in Spain  10th – 12th March 2023

  • WP4 : Studies Visit in Portugal  8th  - 11th  June 2023

  • WP5 : Dissemination and Follow up in Italy 3rd – 6th  August 2023




1) Increase of the skills and professionalism of adults to work internationally with greater skills acquired regarding the management of cultural projects;


2) Publication containing good practices and learning opportunities for adults mapped by the partners in order toenhance the European promotion of local heritage through street art;


3) Artistic projects / murals conceived during the project which will be realised in phase WP5

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