Today is an important day for Street Art Museum Amsterdam team - we have successfully launched our new website. The site is hosted on WIX platform. The site is a product of 2 years of work by many people: Laurent Lubino, who created the museum's branding guidelines during his internship in 2016, Salina Meijer and the students of Reinwardt Academie on collection registration, numerous volunteers with their advice on how we could do better, and the new team of interns following the steps of Laurent from Mont Blanc University in France - Ilona, Gigi and mainly Manon, who found the right platform to accommodate all of the advice.
The lazy design is clean :)
The management is easy :)
The information is simple :)
Almost Bauhaus.
Just like our beloved Nieuw-West.
Light, Airy and Spacious.
and Very Very Functioinal!
We introduced the new features, such as Blog and pre-payment system for the tours. We also expanded the product offer. However, we have also lost a few 'old favourites'. The old website-blog on Tumblr is still functional, so if you wish to learn our history, please go to www.StreetArtMuseum.Amsterdam, where you can indulge in hours of reading :)
Without further adieu, please enjoy the new tool to communicate with our ever growing open-source museum!
Anna Stolyarova
Founder and Managing Director
Street Art Museum Amsterdam