Hello, I'm Errieti. I am from Greece and my basis is in Athens. My bachelor degree is in Literature with specialisation “Medieval and Modern Greek Literature” and my master degree is in “Education and Culture” with specialisation in technology at Harokopio University, Athens. Right now, I am currently doing my Erasmus internship at SAMA and, before this, I was working in a cultural organization, which organizes theatre performances.
I lived most of my life in Athens, Greece, but for 4 years I used to live in Ioannina, Greece, where I was studying Literature. Athens is the capital and the largest city of the Greece. It combines the beauty of ancient monuments such as “The Acropolis of Athens” and the surrounding area, called Plaka, which is one of the oldest historical neibourghoods of Athens with the urban style of a big city, where you can enjoy different kind of activities.

In my free time, I like attend dance lessons especially contemporary and swing dance or drama lessons because playing roles and you can better recognize yourself.
Amsterdam is a city with friendly people from all around the world and you have the opportunity to meet different cultures. Nieuw West is like home, because most of the people here are Muslims and have similar habits as Greek people such as the food.
We have also Street Art in Athens but I became more familiar with it when I was in Paris for vacation. I was wandering there around the streets and saw many hidden and playful pieces which drew my attention. But in SAMA, I really understand what street art means. SAMA “introduced” me not only the stories behind the murals but how the neighbourhood is directly connected with the existence of SAMA. Additionally, my educational background includes art and my last job in a cultural organization and also the lessons in drama, helped me to find different ways every time to approach art. My volunteering work in prominent art museums in Athens by organizing events and visitor–facing about the artworks, provided me new experiences in the art world.

In my opinion, street art is not only the impressive and colourful murals and little pieces but something more than this. It combines different cultures, ideas and at the same time moves away from illegal pieces and advocates the education, technology, sociology, philosophy and other sciences. My favourite artist in the SAMA collection is Skount because he is inspired by different cultures and depicts them to his artworks. In my opinion, Skount is apart from a street artist, is also a “theatre director” because in his artworks you can see characters, which “play” a performance.
SAMA gave me the opportunity to do my internship and to improve my master thesis with information about VR/AR strategy. My master thesis is directly combined with SAMA’s future mission.My task at SAMA is to assist with the marketing strategy, write articles, publish articles on social media (and blogs), give tours, write preservation plan with the use of VR/AR technology and last but not least engage technology with education in workshops.

The most interesting aspect of SAMA, for me, is the VR/AR strategy, which is under way and I think that is a promising way to create alternative activities in SAMA’ s strategy.

My favourite artwork of the SAMA collection is “the Destiny” of Skount. Despite the difficulties, the combined efforts and will power of Skount and Anna won, and this mural now exists and transfers the emotions of the characters, which are depicted.
During my time at SAMA, I would like to learn how can engage technology with education and how can I improve my skills in the field of communication in a museum. My master thesis is really connected with SAMA’s vision and future plans because my specialization is in technology and SAMA’s preservation plan includes VR/AR strategy. Moreover, my studies are not only associated with the use of VR/AR equipment but also other new technologies which can transform the information to visitors with a more interactive way. Organizing educational programmes for different target groups we can engage education with new applications with the only use of mobile phone/tablet so the programme could be more attractive.

I have learned many things about street art and the movement that street art represents. Sometimes and especially when the conditions are not ideal you have to fight in order to predominate the fair. Moreover, the new profile of SAMA, the previous events, and the new project of Dreamcathers and of course all the upcoming events made me really grateful to be part of them. So all of these would be very useful to me in order to know how I can organize and promote a project or an event.
The most impressive moment at SAMA was at the Kumbet, where took place the presentation of Cripta Djan. Before the presentation, we had a dinner where was a combination of Indonesian food and different cultures, Ukrainian woman, Brazilians, a boy from Burundi, Greeks and Muslims were together and exchanged ideas. It was such a different and unique experience that I will remember it in my life.