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Writer's pictureAnna Stolyarova

Achievements 2021

The year of 2021 was one of the most productive and diverse periods in SAMA's history.

The strategy created at the end of 2020 was followed with rigid precision leading to quantifiable achievements and successes.

  1. Urban Art Oase - program consisting of a series of workshops and activities for youth in time of Corona in the Wildeman neighbourhood. We collaborated with Den Haag HipHop Centrum, Lady General, TeamBlazin and DJ Samidi over the period of 12 weeks, thanks to Gemeente Amsterdam Stadsdeel Nieuw-West. Read more ....

  2. Urban Art School Pilot (FvNW)- in the beginning of the year we were contacted by the teachers of IMC Weekendschool on Tour with a request to create a pilot program during Summer Holidays for 'new comer kids'. This was based on the popularity of previous workshops and tours by children of diverse background who recently moved to the Netherlands - from getting to know each other to learning how to write and make music together. To our surprise it took almost 9 months to collect the necessary funding, but thanks to Mensen Maken Amsterdam program (Fonds van Nieuw-West), MOCCA, Stichting Kinderpostzegels and DoCo Charitas, we managed to deliver 1 week program where 'new comers' and 'locals' triumphantly mixed together and hopefully formed longer term friendships. Read more....

  3. Podcast with Calandlyceum - is the latest collaboration around the young digital heritage with Calandlyceum funded by Cultuurparticipatie Fonds. Together with 2 groups of 10 students we researched, designed and produced an innovative, entertaining and educational podcast. Listeners can enjoy (for free) the 8 chapters and thus discover (part of) the history of Nieuw-West. Read more ....

  4. Debate around Privacy - the idea was to bring the subject of digital rights and debate around privacy to the wider audiences in Nieuw-West, North and South-East areas of Amsterdam through the art campaign of murals and posters. This is the first time SAMA was producing artworks outside of the West Side of Amsterdam. The final result was nominated for Dutch Privacy Awards which take place on 28 January 2022. Read more....

  5. PBC Axiell Archive- 2-years long project has finally come to an end with the first digital archive of SAMA collection being registered in Axiell database. Read more....

  6. EH Oost- in the beginning of the year we were approached by EigenHaard housing corporation with a request of producing a monumental mural in infamous crossing of Molukkenstraat and Zeeburgedijk. SAMA has chosen to work with Irene Lopez (ES) who delivered an exciting artwork which went viral. Read more ....

  7. Mondriaan Fonds - in 2021 the fund has announced additional support for museum's employee in time of Corona. SAMA's management reached out to Dieuwertje Wijsmuller, with whom our organisaiton has worked during IMAGINE IC's Garage Kempering project. The successful application allowed SAMA to have the first formal employee, an experienced Collection Manager - Leonie Wingen. Read more....

  8. EU STAR - Europe for Citizens knowledge exchange program between 15 countries on the impact of street art in lesser privileged areas has started in 2020, but because of COVID-19 travel restrictions all of the encounters took place on line. 2021 was remarkable because we have finally met in person in Vicenza, Italy, which was really necessary and very exciting. The 2nd event took place in October 2021 in Lisbon, with the closing conference scheduled by the end of June 2022 and hosted by SAMA and Gemeente Amsterdam. Read more....

  9. Kickstart Cultuufonds GPS APP- well received Podcast with Calandlyceum cultivated an idea of making GPS-guided Multimedia tour, so that we can continue sharing our collection during the COVID-19 restrictions. There 3 routs plus a free bonus with audio is in Dutch. However, our Erasmus+ intern Ginevra Gallilei has translated the text into Spanish and Italian as well. Read more....

  10. Surround Sound with Bloomberg Philantropies - is a long term project in Plein4045 in Amsterdam Nieuw-West, focused around Bringing the neighbourhood market to life. Together with internationally acclaimed artist KENOR (ES) and local stakeholders are creating a monumental artwork working with asphalt and objects as a surface. Read more....

  11. Schiphol restoration- SAMA's intern Lívia Vereščáková, as part of her scope of work experience, had restored some of the artworks by Sandrine Boulet whilst the museum founder gave a tour to Schiphol SPOT community. Read more....

  12. Het Kooi - is the new sport-spot in Jan de Louterstraat. SAMA was invited to create the new logo together with local kids and youths using the place, which is surrounded by 'het kooi'. Together with TeamBlazin and a series of workshops, we are making (work in progress) the new logo which will be placed in 2022.

  13. Wiardi Beckman playpark - the works have started in 2021 but will continue through the first 2 months of 2022. For this project we chose to work with the local artist - Keys-Art (Metin Bagirgan), who through a series of conversations with local stakeholders co-created the uplifting new design of the playground.

  14. Gezenveld/Slotermeer refresh - the street artworks in SAMA collection has always been made from a point of view of a local resident. All works are temporary and created in deep collaboration with those who live nearby, use or frequent the location. The places or objects - the surfaces - are sometimes chosen by the museum founder (who lives in Nieuw-West for more than 23 years now), sometimes by the local municipality and sometimes by the residents. The collection was never meant to be a gentrification tool to lure the new demographics into the developing neighbourhood. In 2021 we received a request to up-cycle a meeting point on Confucius playpark and a wall close to De Vlugtschool. We chose to work with the old-school artist NOL and YORKONE for this project which should be completed by March 2022.

  15. De Havelaar - SAMA has a small collection in Old-West (De Hallenkwartier) defined by the 2 monumental murals and a few smaller pieces, so the new request from Combiwel for an artwork came with a great enthusiasm. JAUNE (BE) has already visited Amsterdam and met with local residents to get information and inspiration for a new set of his famous and highly recognisable characters. The artwork should be completed by March 2022.

  16. Schiphol IZI.Travel - the last project for 2021 is a new GRATIS route through SAMA's collection in Schiphol airport for SPOT community. Owing to the fact that many members - those working in Schiphol - are still working from home due to COVID-19 restrictions. The idea is to gradually create a multi-language audio GPS-guided tour which can be taken remotely or on location. The project will be completed by mid-February 2022.

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